On A Mission I'mPossible

Hellowww ma self-made high-kurlass people. Welcome to the new year! Woohoo, is 2020 guys! Fireworks and celebrations are everywhere. Well, guess what I am not ready yet to be part of this new year because this means I am another year older, and there is still plenty of my wishlist are yet to be checked. OMG! I still believe that I am 18 years old. 

Every beginning of the year, people will keep asking us "what is your this year's resolution?". We will forever have this one exact answer, "I will lose weight!". Don't you feel that this answer sounds a bit old school? Unfortunately, this has now sound more like a joke than a proper resolution, because at the end of the year we will not be dropping any kilogram but gaining more.

Despite everything that people are saying, I will still answer that I want to lose weight. It isn't because I am fat or obese, but I decided to be healthier and fitter. My current weight indicates that if I do not take precautions measures, I will be in the overweight group. 
Image result for mission impossible gif with sound"
mission i'm possible
Therefore, I have made a decision! I will go on a mission impossible. This is not a new thing for those that know me. I have been on this mission since 2018 and managed to lose some weight. Unfortunately, I am now facing a weight-loss plateau. I have been on the same weight for the past 10 months. I believe those who are on the losing weight journey will understand the frustration.

I have done some research and found out that it is hard for anybody who has a weight lesser than 60 kg to lose weight. I am 50kg, and to lose another 5 kg is a big deal! I have tried various methods to lose weight, but none of them are working out. OH! NO! GOD BLESS ME!

Many of you might wonder, why am I still thinking that I am fat when I'm just 50kg? People, I am short. My height is only 144cm, yes I repeat 144cm. So you can imagine that I am a penguin. Anyhow, better safe than sorry, I don't want to be sick.

Image result for sticker holding stomach fat"
I'm a always hungry potato

I will be following certain tips from this coach from a YouTube channel calls Ace, also some other YouTubers that succeeded in losing weight.

Let's talk about Coach Yana from the Ace channel. She had 11 years of coaching experience. She suggested that to lose the stomach fat, first and foremost you have to say bye-bye to fried food. Yes, this is very true! One thing about losing weight is that you want to lose it and never have it again. To do that, you should never be on extreme dieting. Yes, we all know the 80/20 rule, 80% food, and 20% exercise. 

Besides that, she suggested that we should sit among the right gang, for us to have the proper motivation to lose weight. Correct, you guess it right! I decided to go on a diet together with my friend. The reason being was that I'm used to being on a diet on my own, and this has caused me to not have consistency in me. 

I don't want to talk so much nonsense, I will be going on a mission impossible or rather mission I'm possible (to diet) and will show all of you my result in 1 month time. Together with that, I will be sharing along with the steps or my diet rules.

See ya later alligator. Princess needs time off to think of next topic.


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